Monday 3 December 2012


So, I'd been feeling so good about my creative output in this blog. Must be around 10,000 words by now. That's got to be impressive, hasn't it? Well, not necessarily. I can see now that my initial confidence has ballooned into some monstrously distorted perception of my literary skills. How hard could it be, I thought, to write a short story for radio. 2,000 words? I'm so unfazed, slap me.
What a painful and humiliating process to realise what you, the reader, have known all along. 10,000 words, yes. But 10,000 words of UNREMITTING, ALL-ENCOMPASSING GARBAGE.  A content-free blog, you moron (I'm talking to myself here), suggests that the emergence from my brain of a short story written with flair and imagination is as likely as a budgie on a snowboard.
In future, I'll be constantly mindful that quality aways outshines quantity. Will this insight now  inform  Notes From Rural Perthshire? I don't think so.

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